mercredi 1 décembre 2010

Eminem Vs. Lil Wayne

A question the world asks... "Who is better? Eminem or Lil Wayne?" This has been going on for the past 2 years since both of these great rappers have been doing their thing for quite a time, like Lil Wayne's Carter III album and Rebirth album, just like Eminem's latest Recovery album and Encore album. These rappers both have their own strategies, one writes his music, the other freestyles all his music. One raps about life and the other raps about anything and everything. People would most likely choose the one who raps about life because of the true statements that Eminem puts up, but Lil Wayne comes up with things nobody can ever come up with, his punchlines are all amazing. Tough battle, but my opinion, even though others may not agree... Lil Wayne is better. He's dedicated to his work and works hard for it everyday and never stops, he's had eighteen years of experience and he's still going, while Eminem stops every five years and comes back with something hot, which is why others may love him more than Wayne. Eminem has had some really good songs when he first started, but now his last album didn't hit anywhere near Lil Wayne's level. Lil Wayne is the greatest rapper alive... Period.

3 commentaires:

  1. I find this debate really interesting and good for people to choose their favorite singer.
    On my opinion, Eminem is a REALLY good singer and should be the one everyone likes. At least I think so bicause he comes up with great songs, with other people and they make the song work.

  2. Moe did you watch the BET thing, Eminem was nomiated BEST RAPPER OF 2010!!! since when did he blow out so quickly in this year:S and I was watching this documentary on lil Wayne and lil wayne is jelouse of not being nominated NUMBER 1 !!! So now the people on BET are saying that hes under another 3 album contract since he came out of prison. He already released a rock album called 'Im Not A Human Being' !!!!!

  3. Great blog. It is a tough choice between who is better and who isent. although I do not listen to much rap, id have to say I perfer eminem before Lil wayne. When eminem raps about his life there are certain people in life that can relate. Also eminem is from detroit so is is somewhat a local. Thanks for the great blogs and keep it up.
